Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NOT a morning person

So school is in full swing and everyone is settled. I am feeling like I went back in time to my seminary days. I have been having to get up at 5:30am to get Gavin up and moving. His bus comes at 6:30. I then muddle through getting Laurel and Connor up right after he leaves and the day is off and running. I miss sleeping in. I got too comfortable with my sluggy ways. At least I have been being good and going to bed at a decent hour. Gone is my insomnia problem. Ha. Now if I can only find a good alternative to coffee so I can inject some "umph" into my mornings. Nothing like watching a blurried eyed mommy stumble around while trying to remember everything that needs to go with each child when her brain hasn't really turned on yet. Speaking of inject.....I am wandering off Tim's new Division there is a Commander that has decided that they all needed a new catch phrase to "pump of the guys" and show spirit. When I heard it I had to laugh. It is "Inject the Venom!" what it is supposed to mean or signify, I haven't figured yet, but it is funny to hear men yelling out:"INJECT THE VENOM!"


Brian and Beth said...

What are you talking about? Nothing gets me more pumped up than the thought of someone ... injecting a lethal substance into my body? Wait ... that's not ... right, is it?

Angela said...

Hmm... I think that commander has been reading the Twilight series.