Saturday, May 24, 2008

You Know it's Time, When......

Okay, I give in and will start to do something to lose the weight I know I should. The other day while I was standing and watching TV for a brief moment, Laurel came up to me and laid her hands on my stomach. "Mommy, you have a big you have a baby in there?" "Nope, I just have fat in there". That alone should be enough to make me want to lose weight. We all know that kids can be brutally honest and so when my 4 year old tells me I am fat, I am pretty sure that I am not hiding it too well anymore. But the clincher to making my self esteem plummet even more and know that now is the time for action is when I overheard her telling her friend in excitement,"my mommy has a big tummy with fat in it!" I still can't figure out why that would be cause for excitement. Ha.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh yeah! I have 2 rolls on my belly and Charlotte asked me at about age 3 or 4 if I had 2 babies in there. I said Nope, this is where you were and this where Amelia was. Now I have had 2 more and the rolls are even bigger! Who said we have children to make us feel better?!