Sunday, May 4, 2008

tending children and a dead sqirrel

So we are still in "please buy my house" mode. Except on top of that, I have added to my stress level. A good friend of mine had to have an operation and she happens to tend 3 little girls every day. Since I really love this friend and knew that she needed help. I volunteered to tend her day care kids for a 10 day period. I have come to the conclusion that I am just too nice. Ha. They aren't bad kids at all and for the most part aren't too hard to handle, but taking care of a 4 yr old, a 3yr old and two 2 yr olds can really be exhausting. And I have found in myself that I am not daycare provider material. Although I have been kind and attentive to all the kids( mine included), I don't enjoy doing this and I count down minutes to things like nap time and time to drive in the car and when their parents will come and get them. I feel guilty for feeling that way but I do.....I am now stressed out to the max. Poor Laurel is acting out a bit since her space and regular routine has been turned upside down. I am also dealing with trying to keep a constantly clean house(even with all the kids), end of school year activities, Tim's military functions and Hail and Farewells, and now I added this to the mix. Calgon take me away. I even began to toss the idea around about becoming a Pampered Chef Consultant at a party the other night. This month is a really good deal where if you do 4 successful parties this month, your starter kit is free. It may be too good an offer for me to pass up. Tim got mad when I suggested it though since that could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I keep thinking of all the things that I didn't get to chance to do or see here in MO now and am trying to think of ways to try to fit it. It is obviously not going to happen though. I can't believe that they will be here on May 28th to pack us up. I hope that we can sell our house before then.....with nothing in the house, you can see it flaws clearer. I just need to start having some more faith that it will happen. We just can't afford NOT to sell this place.

In other news, the kids found a squirrel stuck in our chain link fence. Most of it's body was on our side of the fence and the other half was in our neighbors side. Laurel came in yelling excitedly about it and Gavin was hot on her trail to explain the excitement. "We found a Squirrel stuck in the fence, Mom!" "Is it still alive?" "Nope, I hit it with a stick really hard to check to see if it was still alive and it didn't move" Translation: If it was alive, it isn't anymore cause I hit it pretty hard with a stick..... I went to look at it and find it hanging like you see above. I found out that when jumping through our fence, he grabbed the electric wire that the neighbors have set up to deter their dogs from escaping the yard and wouldn't let go until he was dead. I know it is not funny, but I kept picturing a cartoon version of it happening and started to laugh. Now we know that I have lost it if I think that is funny. Oh well. Tim was kind enough to don gloves and remove it to the trash. I am so glad that I didn't have to do that dirty job....


MissouriMormonMama said...


That squirrel story cracks me up! I just wanted to say that it would be crazy to be a consultant, but you'd be darned good at it. And I hope your house sells, but dang, we are going to miss you around here! Good luck with the 'zoo' this week.


Angela said...

OhMan! They would have to put me in a straight jacket if I had that squirrel in my backyard. I have to get someone else to remove dead goldfish from the bowl.. EEWWWW!!!