So school has begun. I usually am celebrating at this point and in some ways I am. Yesterday was actually the first day of school. Laurel went to preschool ALL day. She had a great time and couldn't wait to go back this morning. Gavin was up first and earliest. He gets up at 5:30am and catches a bus at 6:30. Good training for when they start seminary. Ha. I can't believe that I have to begin getting up that early. Yikes. Naps are going to be my best friend this year. Ha. Connor has his first day of school today. He stayed home yesterday since the schools around here messed me up big time. Back to that in a minute. So this is the first day that I sans child. Wow. I don't know quite what to do with myself. I have a ton of housework that needs to be done and I could go to the gym and start getting healthy, but I think today, I am going to veg most of the morning. I am nervous for Connor and Laurel was sad that I wasn't the one to walk her this morning to school so they are both on my mind. Gavin also came home yesterday from his first day and reported that he "hates everything about this school and wants to go back to MO". Poor kid.....he can be so negative. According to him, the bus ride was too noisy and rowdy, the first teacher he was with he doesn't like, he didn't find a kid that he likes yet and even his favorite class, PE, was really lame. I told him to give it time it would get better. Going back to Connor....I went through the whole registering process only to find out a day 2 days before school started that his school was A) one of the worst schools in the district, B) would be a horrible place for him to be cause it is too rough and C) they couldn't even accommodate his IEP there. So, I had to scramble to get a transfer to the other middle school on post and get it all done before school began. Of course that didn't happen so he stayed home for the first day of school while we did yet more running around so that he could go today. The system really failed me this time in the information department. Good thing I took Clara classes and got right into it from the beginning so at least Connor didn't have to suffer through going to the sucky school. I am crossing my fingers that his day (and the rest of the year) goes smoothly. He looked like he was gonna cry when I left.....he was so scared and nervous of the unknown. It put butterflies in my stomache. But I smiled and told him he would have a great day and not to worry....people would help him if he needed it. I will put up pictures later of their first day.
As for the questions...I forgot to do them the other day so here they go:
Favorite thing about the opposite sex:
Ok...physically speaking, I love a man that is fit. I am not talking monster buff where his neck disappears into his shoulders, but a lean guy with muscle definition. So after establishing that, I love a man's muscled back. Don't know why, I just think it is hot. I love the way they can make me feel safe and secure and taken care of. But I also like they way a guy handles conflict with another guy....they yell or beat the snot out of each other and then it is over basically. There is no grudge holding or slaying each other with gossip and talk like women tend to do.
3 jobs you would like to try other than what you currently do:
1. a cartoon character voice
2. personal shopper for a rich person
3. professional photographer for pregnant women and children
What's your favorite accent?
I LOVE to Irish people speak. I could listen to an Irish man read the telephone book all day.
Best advice ever given to you:
I really can't think of the BEST advice, but the funniest was at my bridal shower. Some older lady told me that if I was going to fight with my husband, I should do it naked. That has stayed with me for 16 years. Ha. I have never done it but it does pull up a funny mental image.
Favorite Cereal:
As a kid, we weren't allowed sugared cereal very often since it was just too expensive. I craved the forbidden cereal. But now, I have gone back to liking boring old Cheerios. Go figure.
Executive Decision
12 years ago
1 comment:
It's so tough to be the new kid...especially when its YOUR kid!
Hope they all settle in quickly. Give 'em all a hug from us and tell them their cousins love them, I really like being able to keep up on what's going on in your lives!
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