Sunday, August 24, 2008


I was reminded again that perspective is everything. I have been having a hard time of it since we found out we were moving to TX. It seems like I kept getting bombarded with one crisis after another. Today, in the early quiet moments before we all awoke to get ready for church, I had an epiphany. Every time something came up, I would heave a great sigh and think "dang, I thought things couldn't get any worse and now they have." I felt like I was repeatedly failing some test that the Lord was putting me through or being punished. As I thought through it, although nothing that has happened has been easy or fun, I have always figured out how to work through it and move forward. So, instead of heaving that great sigh, I got onto my knees and said thank you for showing me how to problem solve and sending the right people into my life at the right moments. I am so thankful for the guidance and support that family and friends have given me. They answered prayers without even knowing it most times in the last couple of months for me. I hope that I can keep this perspective up for then next thing that gets thrown my way.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Alice! Great words of wisdom...I think I needed to hear that today. Our motto of late has been "thankful and diligent, thankful and diligent". Sometimes that is all you can do! Love ya!