Monday, August 18, 2008

Thank you Sir, May I Have Another One

Dude, we just can't seem to catch a break. I hate that I am going to sound like a complete whiner in this latest of blogs but I need to just get it out. Every time I think we are out of the woods with our house, we are dragged back into it. So I was way excited because at the beginning of August, a family had decided that they wanted our home to rent. They had saw it online and decided that it was what they wanted, but wouldn't be able to move in until the 15th. Yea! I was no longer going to have to stress out about trying to pay for a house and make rent here in TX. We are so in debt right now that I wonder if I will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is an evil, evil thing. Anyhow, I call this morning to make sure that all is well and that I can finally turn off all the water and electricity. And that is when the crap hits the fan.....Our property manager tells me that the family has backed out of living there. They came and saw it and although they love the yard and there isn't anything "wrong" with the house, it is just too small and they don't want it. Holy heck! One of the worst parts is that we have no recourse in which to penalize never crossed my mind to ask about that beforehand. I will now. Live and Learn. SO, we now we are back into having to find someone to live there and do so before the influx of people coming to Fort Leonardwood stops. I have lost faith in anything having to do with this house. I have been burned over and over where it is concerned and in the end, nothing....NOTHING good has come from us having bought that house.

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