Monday, January 5, 2009

It's a BOY!!

No, I am not pregnant and just now announcing it to everyone. But my niece had her baby this morning! I am now a Great Aunt for the 4th time. He is a sweet baby boy named Emmett Thomas and he was a little over 9 pounds. Wow....I never got big sumo babies like that. A quick funny connected to his birth: Meg got checked by the nurse and she was totally dialated. She said she would go talk to the DR. about pushing so to kill time they called me. She was on the phone talking to me and when the nurse came back in and told her it was okay for her to push(I had no clue any of this was happening). She just nodded and continued to let me talk for another couple of minutes when she handed off the phone to my sister, her mom. My sister then informs me that they were trying to get her to push and she was putting them off cause she was on the phone with me. Oops. She should have just told me. Ha. Modern drugs are a wonder.....Well, Congrats again to Meg and Jared on their beautiful baby boy! Love to you all and big hugs all around.


Brian and Beth said...

Thanks for posting this pic of Emmett. I've been searching the internet for photos of this new little one, so I appreciate your post! Hope to see you in February in CA.-Beth

Chuck said...

We changed his middle name already. Sorry.

Before he was born it was Emmett Harrison.

When he was born, Emmett Thomas sounded nice (we had been talking about a friend of the family named Tommy earlier that morning whom Sarita is to marry).

Then I changed my mind to Emmet James (my brother-in-law's middle name), but was reminded by my brother of another James that is well, undeserving of a namesake let's say, so to clarify we have settled on... drum roll please ....

EMMETT RUSSELL JAMES. (my brother in-laws first and middle name for his middle).

There it is.

Brian and Beth said...

I think Emmett Russell James sounds very dignified!