Okay, so I learned that not everything that we see on TV is exaggerated. My boys are really into Bakugan and have been trying to do extra chores around the house to "earn" one. It is routine for them to unload the dishwasher, but to do something extra, Connor asked to load it. I was more than happy with that and they should be doing it anyhow.....anyway.....Connor loaded up the dishwasher and then looked for the detergent to put into it. Not seeing it, he got creative and squeezed liquid dish soap into the detergent holder. He then made sure all the right buttons were pushed and then started the cycle. I had no clue of any of this until about 20 minutes into the cycle, I went into the kitchen for a snack. ARGH!!!!!!!! There were bubbles everywhere!!!!! My dishwasher looked like it had rabies or maybe even mad cow disease. Bubbles were oozing out everywhere and they were diligently trying to take over most of my kitchen. Ha. I stopped the cycle, drained it, wiped out the remaining liquid and then started it again with no detergent. Disaster was averted. I had a good laugh after freaking out about it. Wish that I had taken a picture though. BTW, the pix above is not from this incident, but another fun time we had.
Executive Decision
12 years ago
I wouldn't have been surprised if you had said that you then dumped Connor into the rabies bubbles to swim his way to safety and think about what he had done while he was at it. HA! Thanks for a much needed giggle. I was once the victim of Mad Dishwasher Disease also.
How funny ( : I've always wondered what would happen... now I know.
Charlotte did that here. She thought it would make them smell extra good. "I didn't know!" she said. Well, I knew you shouldn't do it but didn't know why, and never thought I needed to tell her not to do it! I am glad we are not the only ones.
Tim's cell phone gave me a huge laugh! That's awesome!
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