Monday, July 21, 2008

On our Way

Yea!!!! We are finally taking off tomorrow morning for TX. I never thought that I would be that excited to finally make it to TX but it will be a relief to be in my own space and with my husband. Clara and her family have been incredible and I am so thankful for their generosity and graciousness. It will take forever to repay the kindness of letting us hang at their house through this whole thing. Anyhow, I will be silent for a bit and then I will return and hopefully with a ton more pictures. Take care until then! I will miss everyone from MO that I got close to. In the Army, you never know who you will run into again so here's hoping I will see you again sometime in the future.

1 comment:

Emma said...

hi metcalfs! how are you guys doing? just thought we'd say hi and check out our blog: