Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Clean Up

So we got through packers being in our home. I always wonder if it will all make it to my new home and in what kind of condition....We even had some people look at the house while they were packing us out. I had to laugh. Who in their right mind would get a good impression of a home that is in total disarray? Ha. Anyhow, I cleaned up when they were all gone and realized that it would look better and probably sell better if I painted the whole interior an off white. I weighed all the pros and cons and then decided that in the end it was worth it to have a pro do it. The blood, sweat, and tears that it would have caused me just wasn't really worth it. So they just got down this morning. It looks pretty good. I found another problem in the process though. There was a leak behind the fridge that has been there the whole time we have lived there and cause damage to the wall. The painters fixed the wall damage but now I have to buy a new part to fix the initial leak so that there won't be more damage done to the floor. I can't seem to win in this move. But I am keeping my chin up and figure, it is better to have found the damage now than when I had left. A blessing in disguise.....Tim has a home set up for us when we finally make it to TX. We will be living on post in Comanche Village II and it will be the first time EVER that my kids will all have their own rooms. Tim told me that it has really grown and changed since we last lived there. I hope all goes smoothly for us from this point on. But as of now, I am still in MO doing the last minute clean ups and fixes and praying that someone loves our home and buys it.

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