Thursday, October 9, 2008

Skewed view

Okay, it is a sad commentary when perceptions have become this skewed. Driving past the gas station on the way to drop Connor at school, I thought "wow, gas is cheap right now". It has come down to $3.02 here in TX. I say this is sad because a couple of years ago, we would have been outraged about gas being over $2.00. Strange.


Lynne said...

I'm jealous. I was really happy the other day when I paid "only" $3.33/gallon. What's up with that? You Texans all got oil wells in your backyard or something?

The Metcalf Five said...

It's even worse was down to 2.98 and I did a dance of joy. I don't know how we lucked out here but I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth!