I love Autumn time. I love to see the leaves change color. The colors that appear at this time of year are some of my favorites. I miss being able to see it all happen. In Texas, all we really get to see is the grass turn yellow. But this week Laurel's preschool class got invited to go to a pumpkin patch. I was so excited. It has always been one of my favorite activities to go do with my kids. Going to a farm, picking out a pumpkin, maybe doing a hayride or walking through a corn maze.....those are the makings of some fun memories and some great pictures. So when Friday rolled around I was primed to go. We headed off to the pumpkin patch and after driving for about 15 minutes we were at "the place". It was a lawn in front of a church building right off of a very busy street. They had bought a boat load of pumpkins from an Indian tribe trying to make ends meet(that part I think is really cool). The pumpkins were spread around the huge grass lawn on wood pallets and there were stations set up around the perimeter. The preschool classes broke into groups and they got to go on a "hayride".....it was a hayride for the most part except that it just went in circle around a shrubby field(not much to look at). Then we went to the next station where they stood in a circle and sang Halloween songs. After that there was the "color a picture of a pumpkin" station, then the face painting station(everyone got painted on their hands)and then they went to a station where they got to paint a tiny pumpkin.
The last place they went to was the "read a Halloween book" station and then they were rushed back to the buses. The kids had a fun time, but I was sad. I know that I shouldn't care cause Laurel never knew the difference, but I was really sad that there was no picking out a "special pumpkin" or even getting close the the big pumpkins at all. The closest she got was the teeny thing she painted. I had been putting off buying any from the stores cause I thought this would be the place to get hers.....oh well. Like I said, she liked it so I will not complain anymore. I do miss real pumpkin patches though.....
Not much else going on in the Metcalf home except the constant chatter that I hear from Gavin about Bakugan. For those of you who don't have kids old enough to know what this is.....thank your lucky stars. LOL. It is basically another form of Pokemon, in a very loose sense. You buy these balls that open into things that battle each other and there are cards involved.
Going to Walmart turns into a production....they run right to that place in the toys. Sadly since they are so popular here, there are hardly ever any of those toys on the shelves. Gavin once asked me to visit ALL the Walmarts in the area(only 3 of them around here.....thank goodness). He finally found a KB toys that has quite a few of them. Now I am just hounded by him to to chores around the house to make money to buy them. I guess it could be worse. He could have some habit that cost him a ton of money to support. I will be thankful for that for just a bit longer.
Executive Decision
12 years ago
1 comment:
Will and Audrey got all geeked out at seeing Bakugon on your blog...they are crazy over those little things too....
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